Senecio Stapeliiformis Candy Cane plant [Sen-ek-ee-o, Sta-pel-ee-ih-FORM-iss] is a unique succulent species with long, erected pencil-like stems. It is also called a Pickle Plant or a Candy Cane plant. The texture of of its stem is snake-like, with soft "thorns" that look more like horns. It is leafless and can be easily propagated from stem cutting.
Senecio Stapeliiformis "Candy Cane" Succulent Care

Water every 14 days when soil is almost completely dried out.
High indirect sunlight or 8 - 10 hours under grow lights.
65°F - 75°F
Soil Mix
Well drained Cacti Mix, Perlite, Orchid Bark
Keep humidity high at 65 - 75%
Every 12 weeks in summer and do not fertilize in winter.